26. september 2012
Babie leto v Péchy castle
Obec Hermanovce Vás srdečne pozýva na tradičnú oslavu ukončenia letnej sezóny v sobotu 29. septembra v kaštieli Péchy. Viac info nájdete v pozvánke
26. september 2012
Národná sieť rozvoja vidieka SR v spolupráci so Spoločnosťou pre záhradnú a krajinnú tvorbu organizuje odborný seminár zameraný na tvorbu a rekonštrukcie verejných obecných priestorov, parkov, cintorínov a priestorov pre športové a voľnočasové aktivity v obci so zachovaním tradičných hodnôt a špecifík vidieckeho prostredia. Viac info nájdete na www.nsrv.sk
21. september 2012
Neprehliadnite na našej stránke v bočnom menu novú sekciu Čo vieme ponúknuť a ak viete o niekom z Vašej obce alebo jej okolia, kto by chcel prezentovať svoje výrobky alebo služby, neváhajte nás kontaktovať.
19. september 2012
Výsledky súťaže
Výsledkom 2. ročníka fotografickej súťaže vyhlásenej Národnou sieťou rozvoja vidieka SR je publikácia, ktorá vyšla v tlačenej verzii a na stránke www.nsrv.sk si ju môžete prezrieť v elektronickej podobe.
If people
After hosting last year’s football World Cup, South Africa is on a roll in the popularity stakes as a holiday destination. Head to the progressive and trendy Cape Town, southern Africa’s oldest city where visitors are spoilt for choice for things to do. Feast your eyes on the fascination of whale watching, head to the beach, visit the Winelands or simply take your pick of hip bars, restaurants and clubs.
„Health Savings Accounts are not a magic bullet. However, I believe they are an important tool for patient engagement at all income levels,“ said Lischko. „While it is true that traditional HSAs have a greater tax benefit for middle to high earners, there are strategies that can be implemented so they benefit lower wage earners.“.
Cholita Linda’s Temescal menu goes beyond fish tacos and is representative of founder Vanessa Chavez’s heritage she was raised by a Peruvian Chinese mother and a Cuban Mexican father. The Cubano sandwich and Baja Fish tacos are always a must, and the Agua Frescas are worth a taste. MoreThis Filipino restaurant is not only a bargain, but the food offered is a glimpse of Filipino comfort food for many.
The SmartDrive system is being used by some big fleets in the US, including one that is using it wholesale jerseys to supplement its How My Driving? decal program. Currently, when a driver generates a Wholesale Football Jerseys complaint via How My Driving?, that driver receives an automatic black mark and is presumed guilty. Now, this carrier is cross checking the action that generated the complaint with the video, and finding that at cheap football jerseys times the driver had no choice but to take the action that generated the complaint.
Boil 10 minutes, put them in the colander and rinse again. This is the final time. They are now ready to put in a clean pan to cook.. Composites such as Kevlar are more expensive but lighter still. Wood boats are pleasing to the eye and bring a nostalgic feel, however, these boats require regular routine maintenance. Folding boats are incredibly tough boats known for easy portability,storage and have great resale value.
The average price in South Carolina range from $20 a carton for some generics to about $35 for premium brands. With the new tax, Smith doesn’t like the new math.“You got Georgia on this side, they’re 30 cents higher than what South Carolina is and that’s three dollars a carton titanium 450ml cup more,“ she explained.“That is going to make South Carolina 2 dollars more a carton than Georgia.““While it seems that would mean more profits for the Palmetto State actually it could mean less.“I know what we pay in taxes a year for my little store and Carolina’s not going to have it because Georgia’s going to have it now,“said Smith.At „Cheap Cigarettes,“ they don’t sell the major brand cigarettes because it’s just not cost effective for business. Smith also says with this new sales tax, it is going to be an even bigger crunch in their business.“Why do cigarette smokers have to pick up the slack for everything?“ said Smith.
She smiles
As far as what you should add to your bin, it’s pretty much the same as a traditional compost pile. Try to keep your carbon (bedding) to nitrogen (scraps) ratio pretty even, maybe a little more bedding than scraps. (Don’t stress too much about this, composting isn’t an exact science.) Kitchen scraps can include fruits, veggies, coffee grounds, tea bags and peelings.
He concluded by expressing cheap nfl jerseys his opinion that the clean up resulting from cross contamination of crops should be the responsibility of the biotech corporations. In closing, Mr. Phillips indicated that the use of GM crops was not „the cheap china jerseys only tool in the tool box“ when it comes to efficient agriculture..
Think about that data point again: more than half of state road pavement will be in poor condition in 10 years if current funding trends continue. Washington can turn that around with a statewide transportation package this year. If we invest to maintain our roads and finish critical corridor projects, all state pavements could be rated or better in 10 years.
$250,000 gross sales per year just to open a new biz. Just look at the cupcake place. I realy like cookies and wish there was a cookie shop to go to.. „I had heard of cord blood banking for stem cells but I had never heard of it with the teeth,“ Laura says. „So that was a real revelation. You never know.
For example, the White House committee selected a Boston elementary school to participate in a prestigious arts program headed by artists such as Yo Yo Ma and Forest Whitaker. Boston is also home to the premier Boston Children’s Hospital which houses the world’s largest research center based cheap jerseys in a pediatric hospital with more than 1,100 scientists working to find treatments and cures for childhood diseases. Boston Children’s Museum recently announced a $365,000 grant to ensure that their programs appeal to all children, including kids in underserved populations.
Ever since California law banned smoking in restaurants, smokers have huddled on sidewalks and in parking lots like refugees from a lost world. But for our fire breathing friends, indulgence remains a tradition at Mike’s Cafe on Bascom Avenue. After a hearty omelet or a continent sized lunch special of meatloaf and gravy, a smoker can, just as in days of yore, lean back in a booth with an elbow slightly raised and puff to their arterially hardened heart’s content.
Most of them are made in the same manufacture in China, this happens to be the same manufacture as Trust for all you name brand gurus. Your going need something to spray the gas, this and the clutch is titanium cup where most of your money will be going. I buy good injectors, the ones off EBAY, if they do work they don’t work well.